


  • Cloud Virtual Machine: A secure, stable, and highly flexible computing service.
  • CVM Dedicated Host: A physically isolated computing service with exclusive resources.
  • Tencent Cloud Automation Tools: Efficient and secure native Ops and deployment tool.
  • Tencent Cloud Lighthouse: A new-gen cloud server service for SMEs and developers.
  • Cloud Bare Metal: Set up your service more flexibly with exclusive and non-virtualized bare metal servers.
  • Cloud GPU Service: A high-density computing server with graphics processing capabilities.
  • Auto Scaling: An efficient and cost-effective computing resource management policy.

High Performance Computing

  • Batch Compute: An efficient and cost-effective computing resource management policy.
  • Hyper Computing Cluster: Provide high-bandwidth and extremely low-latency network services.

自动化助手(TencentCloud Automation Tools,TAT)是云服务器 CVM 和轻量应用服务器 Lighthouse 的原生运维部署工具。自动化助手提供了一种自动化的远程操作方式,无需登录及密码(需安装客户端),即可批量执行命令(Shell、PowerShell 及 Python 等),完成运行自动化运维脚本、轮询进程、安装/卸载软件、更新应用及安装补丁等任务。这里感觉有点使用了蓝鲸的能力---纯属个人猜测。


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