


Topics for training: - 1 - Build a CCE k8s cluster explain cce cluster network modes - 2 - Up/Down scale Cluster CCE - 3 - Container Registry - 4 - Backup container on CCE - 5 - Build Agnostic k8s and provision on CCE (OKD exemple) - 6 - Secure your cluster CCE disaster recovery - 7 - Terraform script all steps for build and recovery a CCE - 8 - Gateway application (APIG) - 9 - API Console operation (Use openAPI) - 10 - Telemetry for Managed Services


1 - Build a CCE k8s cluster explain cce cluster network modes

  • Tunnel network model
  • VPC network model
  • ENI

2 - Up/Down scale Cluster CCE

  • HPA
  • CA

3 - Container Registry

  • SWR how to upload/download a docker image
  • How to authenticate (temporary/permanent)

4 - Backup container on CCE 6 - Secure your cluster CCE disaster recovery

velero backup and restore UCS

7 - Terraform script all steps for build and recovery a CCE

show a demo how to create a CCE cluster


5 - Build Agnostic k8s and provision on CCE (OKD exemple)

CCE is based on opensource k8s platform, what's real requirement about this item?

8 - Gateway application (APIG)

9 - API Console operation (Use openAPI)

Does the customer currently use its own APIG? The customer is interested in Huawei APIG. Do you want to know about Huawei APIG operations?

10 - Telemetry for Managed Services

Which software is telemetry here, opentelemetry, Prometheus, or other?

I will write a document about this topics, we can show some demos about this topics if the custom need.

Please communicate with the customer in advance about doubts


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