
Introduce AZ and Regions

What is the relation between Availability Zone and Region?

AWS Regions and Availability Zones (AZs) are fundamental concepts for deploying resources in the AWS cloud. They essentially define the physical location and logical isolation of your cloud infrastructure. AWS have 33 launched Regions, 105 Availability Zones, 600+ CloudFront POPs now.

AWS Region is a separategeographic area. for example: North America(California),South America(São Paulo). We can check the information from website https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/

  • Each AWS Region has multipleisolated locations known asAvailability Zones
  • All availability zones inside oneregion are isolated from oneanother in terms of failure


​ - Geographic Areas: An AWS Region represents a separate geographic location around the world. Each region is completely isolated from others, meaning outages in one region won't impact another. This physical separation ensures high availability and disaster resilience for your applications.

  • Multiple AZs: Every region encompasses multiple Availability Zones (AZs). AZs are distinct data centers within a single region.

Availability Zones (AZs)

​ - Isolated Data Centers: AZs are physically separate data centers within a region. This physical separation protects your applications from hardware failures or natural disasters that might impact a single zone. If an AZ goes down, your resources in other AZs within the region remain operational.

  • Highly Available: Each AZ is equipped with its own independent power, cooling, and network infrastructure. This redundancy ensures that if there's an issue in one AZ, the others can pick up the slack, minimizing downtime for your applications.

Benefits of Regions and AZs

​ - High Availability and Fault Tolerance: By distributing your resources across multiple AZs within a region, you safeguard your applications against potential failures within a single zone.

  • Scalability: You can easily scale your resources up or down by provisioning them across multiple AZs within a region. This allows you to adapt to fluctuating workloads.

  • Disaster Recovery: Regions provide a geographically separate location for your resources, enabling disaster recovery in case of a widespread outage in one region.


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